

I'm still alive afterall

Wow, it's been more than a year since i last posted.
Everyone probably gave up on looking at my blog since most of us are using dayre now. 
I do like Dayre, but I find it troublesome having to upload photos one by one and having to type it on my phone. 
Nowadays I hardly update Dayre much because I'm getting lazy and my days are actually quite boring. 
There are things that I can post, and things that I can't anymore.
I guess it's time to head back to my personal blog after donkey years. 



More about me

HI HI, I am Jacintha or you can call me Jac :)

WELCOME to my blog where I type down my thoughts and things that I have done in my everyday life.
I would like to document everything that happened to me on this space, so that some day I can reminisce while I look through the posts.
