
Monday, 9 December 2013

Just babbling

As you can see, I've changed my blog layout again. 
Actually I just revert it back to my previous one, because I was bored of the template haha.
This is just an update post since I most probably won't be heading out too much the coming 2 weeks because I'm starting my work tomorrow already :(
The thought of working is just dreadful but when you see money coming in, you'll be like "it's all worth it" (or not). 
Okay, off topic again haha.
So, I went out with jf yesterday to Scape and shop for the things we wanted. Bought only a few items and I spent $100+ just like that ugh.
And I was kind of pissed off though I didn't show it. Honestly, I really hate it when I'm out with somebody and 90% of the time their eyes are on their phone. I mean, seriously, if you want to use your phone the whole time, why not just go out with your phone. I did told her to stop using hahaha, okay I'm such a control freak.

But I just find it disrespectful because I can be talking the whole time and after everything, you look up and "huh?" & expecting me to repeat it all over again.
So, just a note to everybody that read this post, if you want to go out with me, better keep your phone aside hahaha.
Although sometimes I do use my phone, but it's only when the other party starts using it first and I got nothing to do, that's why I start using it ok. 
Ermm, sorry I think I just turned this post into a lecture muahaha. 
I better end off now before I have more things to rant hehe take care and all the best for those who are having their term tests :)



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More about me

HI HI, I am Jacintha or you can call me Jac :)

WELCOME to my blog where I type down my thoughts and things that I have done in my everyday life.
I would like to document everything that happened to me on this space, so that some day I can reminisce while I look through the posts.
