
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
I was actually about to post something regarding how I feel right now.
But decided to write it on my personal blog instead because I don't want to offend anyone.
I just can't sleep and I'm thinking too much. 
And after writing it on my personal blog, i can feel tears welling up because I realized how unimportant I am.
Not trying to be attention-seeking or what not, but you know..sometimes you just can't help it.
I believe most of you have those days when you're just randomly emotional and you don't even know why.
But whatever, I'm just gonna watch some funny show to clear my thoughts :)


  1. Cheer up :) I understand the feeling of being insignificant, trust me haha~ JY you got me




More about me

HI HI, I am Jacintha or you can call me Jac :)

WELCOME to my blog where I type down my thoughts and things that I have done in my everyday life.
I would like to document everything that happened to me on this space, so that some day I can reminisce while I look through the posts.
