
Monday, 8 July 2013


hehe this post is supposed to be up long ago, but since there are only 2 photos, I pushed it till now.
So I went to Bintan from 16-19 June with my churchies. 

ignore my face. tried to take photo when the bus was about to move, so I quickly rushed her to take if not it's gonna be very shaky. Took quite a few photos but she kept saying she looks ugly so we retake so many times. After that the bus starts moving and shaking, then the auntie & uncle beside us keep watching us take photo -.- Idk how she maintain her no laughter face hahaha.

Remember the water game that running man played? Yeah I went to play it too and it was a total disaster. I thought we're supposed to lay down like how rm did, but nope, we did it like the people in the photo. So at first it was the 6 of us, so we thought we'll play it separate round. But the person said, nope all of you can play together. This game requires sooooo much energy having to hold on to the handle against the super fast speed. Stupid thing was, we played this after we went for 3 hours of snorkeling ._. Our shoulders were all breaking off, and the person riding the boat kept trying to make us fall into the water, and if no one falls, he'll try to make sharp turns everytime. In the end, me & (i forgot his name) fell into the water when the driver make a sharp turn. The impact was so huge that it hurts so badly when u hit the water. Lydia also fell and when she came up to the thing again, her legs were shaking so badly HAHAHA. Most of us return back to shore with injuries. Lydia had a long cut on her knee, my hands bleed, and uncle lester got kicked by his daughter and his lips tore hahaha.
Such a wordy post, but overall bintan trip was only fun when we played water games :b


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HI HI, I am Jacintha or you can call me Jac :)

WELCOME to my blog where I type down my thoughts and things that I have done in my everyday life.
I would like to document everything that happened to me on this space, so that some day I can reminisce while I look through the posts.
