Honestly, I don't really have the motivation to blog and I don't have the time as well.
Poly life is taking too much of my time. Actually, I do have the time. But those spare time I have, I want to spend it on giving myself a break. To be more specific, poly life is taking away my energy instead of time. I don't know, everyday after I reach home, I'll be so tired I just want to sleep the whole day. Projects after projects and having to worry about presentation and all that shit.
I don't enjoy my poly life so far. I've always heard that poly is the most fun transition in your life, but it's not like that, at least for me.
I feel so stressed up. I feel like I'm forcing myself to study something that I have absolutely no interest in, just for the sake of a god damn diploma. I can feel myself dreading to go for every single lesson and not understanding anything after each lesson. It sucks. My results are dropping and I can't afford to do badly for my first semester as I have streaming for my specific course next semester. I've already did badly for my O's, and this is sort of like my second chance for me to get into the course that I have at least a lil' interest in, which is Biomedical Engineering.
Still remember my motivation to work really hard in poly when I first got my O'lvl results, but apparently, the motivation is dying.. I got to pull myself together and stop letting my mind wander around, wasting my time on unnecessary stuff. I need better time management.
So...probably won't be blogging until examinations are over, or if I'm feeling down or anything.
take care xoxo,
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