
Sunday, 10 November 2013
How can somebody go this far to treat their mother like that.
It's been almost 6 years now, and I still don't understand why are you hating on them.
After marrying that bitch, the whole family turns upside down. She's bloody cunning. Trying to add words into people's mouth and break the family apart. I don't get what she gains from doing all these.
& you listened to everything she said and pick a fight with the rest of the other siblings.
I really wish that I could talk some sense into my uncle, because apparently he has no idea what he's doing.
Using religions as an excuse to not let the daughters keep in contact with their mother. Seriously, what you want. Now what's with all the threatening and shit like that. Don't use your money to push people down and make use of their weaknesses. One day you're gonna get drown in that pile of money that you have and suffocate to death. I don't know how many times had your actions made my mum cried, and how many times had I cursed you (sorry I sinned). We'll see in the future, how your children are gonna treat you and who shall have the last laugh. I'll never forgive the four of you, HATE FUCKING HATE YOU.


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